Terms and conditions
Using this web site
Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions laid out in this disclaimer. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions, please do not use this web site.
While we endeavour to maintain a high standard of accuracy (and to rapidly rectify any errors pointed out to us), Mr. Brian MacCormack Ltd does not warrant that the information contained in this site is free from all errors.
Mr. Brian MacCormack Ltd does not warrant that this site and/or webserver are free of viruses and bugs.
Mr. Brian MacCormack Ltd does not exert any control over external sites linked from our web page, and makes no representations regarding the information contained on them.
Using our services
All medical services are given in good faith, and according to current best practice guidelines. However, it must not be assumed that advice or treatment recommended by Mr. Brian MacCormack is the only alternative available.
You must reply honestly when asked for information by our doctors. Mr. Brian MacCormack Ltd is not responsible if you withhold information or do not tell the truth.
M.r Brian MacCormack Ltd reserves the right to refuse to administer a treatment if a doctor or nurse deems it inappropriate.
Although most blood and laboratory test results are received within 24 hours, please be aware that certain test results can only be disclosed subject to appropriate pre- and post-test counselling.
Prices are subject to change without notice. However, the cost of treatment will always be discussed with the patient prior to commencement.
Quotes for services may change if the patient's assumed diagnosis turns out to be different from or more complicated than that originally quoted for.
Mr. Brian MacCormack Ltd has a zero-tolerance policy with respect to the verbal or physical abuse of our staff, or damage to our property. Offenders (together with appropriate supporting evidence) will be referred to the police for prosecution.
Privacy policy
Please see the privacy policy for full information about how this website and Mr. Brian MacCormack Ltd make use of personal data.